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Old April 13, 2009   #1
garnetmoth's Avatar
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Location: cincinnati, oh
Posts: 492
Default Actually starting from Seed this year!

Hello again all,

Moved back to Ohio from 3ish years in TN, and got started late last year. Nothing did well from seed so I bought OP's from a local nursery.

This year, my friend/Dads neighbor brought back tomato seeds from Lisa, Hungary where her family is from, and a friend also gave her family heirloom seeds. She had no information about them really, but I have them marked. they both look very uniform as seedlings!

One of hers came up with a tri-cot (3 seed leaves) but is pushing a true leaf out!

Since I was starting hers, I pulled out some of my own seeds. Ive got Ernesto and I believe Carbon from Bully, Striped Roman, Red Currant, Marmande VF, Principe Borghesse, Orange Sunburst (from a GW trade, I cant actually find record of such a tomato! Maybe its actually Sunburst), Amana Orange, Clear Pink Early- and after 2 weeks they are all finally coming up!

Patience and old seeds are a good pair.

I used Pro Mix in 3-inch pots, planting several seeds per pot, sprinkled a bit of aged rabbit manure on the top. I am watering every 2-4 days, making sure the top of the soil is drying out OK before I water again. Ive started from seed before, but usually in smaller cells- I have often worried them to death- ie they get fungus gnats from being too wet, or the one day I dont water them, they wilt.
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