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Old April 14, 2009   #11
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Originally Posted by OmahaJB View Post
Speaking of garlic....last year was my first for growing garlic. I planted the previous fall, thanks to a generous offer from Alex (velikipop). Softnecks and hardnecks were included.

I mixed quality compost into the soil, and planted what I thought were quite a few cloves. Well, believe it or not squirrels dug a few up thinking they were nuts I'm guessing, and I had left a few others out for use, since I thought I had planted enough to get a good crop of garlic.

Was a little disappointed with how many came up, but still had at least a dozen mostly decent-sized bulbs. A couple were smaller. I planted them more for my mother than myself since I rarely use it, and to see the early spring growth. It was something new for me to grow out. My mother loved the freshness of the garlic. When I first wanted to plant it she seemed a little indifferent, but she enjoyed watching it grow during the spring and early summer, and later having it hanging by her doorway until she used it.

So last fall I planted about twice as many, and my mother told me there are well over 20 that are at least a few inches tall. She was counting them while on the phone with me, and stopped at 20 but said there are well over that amount. I believe the fact I added the compost in the previous year, and didn't really use that area, that it set in well and is helping to provide very rich soil for the garlic. Not to mention we had a colder winter this year than last. Some believe colder winters may actually be better for some reason. Not sure why.

Only thing is I could kick myself for not keeping track of which varieties are which. When I took them out of the ground last July I was in a hurry and just set them all together in a pile until I was through. Not a big deal I guess, but would have been nice to keep straight for comparisons sake.

This year I'll finally learn how to make great chili while using fresh garlic. Something I said I would do last year, and the year before that....

A mistake I made last year was in letting too many of them grow seeds. I forget the name of it so I'll call it a 'stalk', but when it starts to curl is a good time to take it off the plant so all the energy goes to producing the bulb and not the seeds. I have 2 baggies of seeds from last year, one has more dark seeds. Not sure what that indicates, if anything. Perhaps the seeds are more mature? I meant to start a few this year to see how long it'll take to get decent sized bulbs. I read it takes at least 2 years. Just something fun to try.

The name of that "stalk" 'scapes my mind, too.

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