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Old May 25, 2009   #51
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Since the original Black Brandywine was the result of an accidental cross, and everyone seems to have a problem still getting a PL seedling, my guess is that the original seed was not stable when released to the public.


Carol, it was unstable pretty much from the get go. Craig got two kinds of plants,an RL or perhaps a PL, I can't remember, that he said gave small fruits that were a bag of seeds and an RL that he said most closely resenbled Black from Tula.

I think it was two years ago that Linda at TGS deleted the listing for Black Brandywine from her catalog and website b'c of the instability of this variety. it was in the growing fields of Seeds by Design in CA, a wholesale place where she had subcontracted out for seed production and the natural cross occurred there.

I'm pretty saure I have more of those PL seeds that I sent to you that were sent to me by a tomato friend in FL and it's remained PL for him. And this time I'll be sure to pad the seeds with a white paper napkin which I now know works from the experiment that bcday and gardenmama and I did.

So why not contact me in the Fall sometime if you're still interested.

As for any variety called Black Brandywine, true or untrue, I have zero interest in growing it myself.
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