Thread: Topsy Turvy
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Old August 20, 2009   #40
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Colorado Springs
Posts: 15

I too got pulled in......just to test the novelty factor. No success. Soil mix inside dried out too quickly in our often windy settings here. All of a sudden it just wimped-out.....big time. That TV commercial we all have seen is dubious like Ted stated in posting 13. The leaves will turn upward in a mere few days and THAT plant showed nothing of the kind !

Also, I did not like the fact of the eventual dripping of water from the perimeter of the round base of the cylinder. Obviously, at some time you will see that indication that you have put ample water into the top surface of soil mix. The root mass must be potentially very full at the bottom of the cylinder as gravity will take most water there, and so the roots stay there too. You mean ?......that the roots are going to also grow UPward when the water is moving down ?

When that dripping does occur fine small particles of soil mix will fall upon the surfaces of the leaves below. I do believe in foliar feeding for many plants but gritty water dripping upon leaves is just not wise when the sun heats those flecks and can put "burn" marks there where the speck landed !

I give a thumbs-down vote on the product. Good income for the Chinese manufacturer, though ! My 20 tomato plants in the ground and 2 more growing vertically in containers are doing just fine, thank you.
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