Thread: Food Mill
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Old August 23, 2009   #11
garnetmoth's Avatar
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We got an OXO food mill for a wedding present! just got a chance to try it last night. We made sauce and juice, and strained the juice.

We made about 1.5-2 gallons of juice, and it didnt seem to take that long to mill them all. We just scooped out the clump of pulp and seeds when it got big, and soaked the screen (medium one, caught all the seeds!) overnight. there was one little strand of tomato goo still on the spring under the handle, but pretty easy to clean.

My mom and dad would use a chinois and pestle, i remember that being more tedious but its been YEARS. . ..

I was pretty pooped and we elected to freeze everything last night. am planning a canning date with a friend soon- thinking about apple sauce and apple butter- will let you know if I try the OXO on anything else.
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