Thread: Food Mill
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Old August 23, 2009   #12
ContainerTed's Avatar
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Well, I did receive my BTB and I can tell you that "IIIIII LUV IT !!!!".

I can run the tomatoes thru faster than I can core them. I found that you need to run everything twice to get that last bit of goodness out, but the throwaway at that point is almost "dry?"-like.

I made some salsa (sort of a "semi homemade", but nothing exotic) and it beats anything else I have ever tasted. I'll post the recipe. (If I can make it, anybody can). My Mexican neighbor said "Bueno", so it can't be too bad.

Cleanup for the BTB was very easy. Everything went to the sink and except for the screen, was cleaned up with the spray attachment. The screen was rinsed and then the little bits that were hung up were easily removed with a small plastic bristled brush and the spray attachment.

All in all, I can definitely recommend the Back to Basics version.

Owner & Sole Operator Of
The Muddy Bucket Farm
and Tomato Ranch

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