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Old October 13, 2009   #4
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: MO z6a near St. Louis
Posts: 1,349

I don't know the name, the card got lost in the garden but I have a long sweet pepper in the garden. I would say it's similar to Big Jim but it's not. Any how I've been very impressed w/ the taste.
You would not mistake Pritivat for something similar in shape to Big Jim. Pritavit is larger in diameter than it is from blossom to stem end, about the size of a somewhat flattened baseball.

I have a stash in the refrigerator and I've been taking them (sliced up) to work with me to snack on. Once I start they go fast, one slice after another until the whole thing is gone.

Some say the glass half-full. Others say the glass is half-empty. To an engineer, it’s twice as big as it needs to be.
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