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Old February 8, 2006   #8
cdntomato's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Kingston, Ontario
Posts: 554

Grub, was the number attached to the pepper a PIxxx or a CGNxxx? Those are accession numbers for germplasm obtained from genebanks, PI from the USDA and CGN for the Netherlands respectively, to give 2 examples. If this be the case (and knowing PP's collection, I suspect it is), then going to the accession area inquiries section at the pertinent genebank should provide some background data on that pepper for you.

You can also contact me or PP; we'll hook you up with the info and the hot pepper crowd around the world. In fact, I'll start by making an offer of three hardtofind chiles for a few seeds of Grub's Mystery Green.


edit: if you see references to FemmeFatalii on your chile ventures, Grub, that would be me.
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