Thread: Dehydrating
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Old January 1, 2010   #81
TZ-OH6's Avatar
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I bought a 9-shelf Excalibur dehydrator (Refurbished) this year to dry my hot peppers and seasoning peppers. I did some cherry tomatoes but do not like the cloying flavor at all. I wanted to do peaches but there was crop failure at the local orchards. We went to one of the local apple orchards around Thanksgiving and bought about a half bushel to dry, and then stopped at a nearby grocery, which had apples from the same orchard for half the price.

Anyway, I ended up drying about a bushel in all of Winesap, Jonagold, Gala, and Fuji. Those dried up to about three gallon ziplocks full. The Excalibur dries 1/4-1/3" thick apple slices in less than 24 hours without having to rotate shelves around. I run it on the bathrom counter with the room fan on so as not to poison the house with pepper smell. Next year I hope to have an excess of garlic, which I should end up having to dry.
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