Thread: Broccoli plants
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Old January 14, 2010   #38
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How big are the heads? If the heads aren't really salvageable, why not go ahead and cut them and then enjoy the sideshoots as they come on?
Just my 2 cents...

Originally Posted by b54red View Post
I have run into a problem that I have never had before with some of my broccoli plants due to the extreme cold we've had this year in the south. I always grow a crop of fall/winter broccoli and protect it from freezing by covering it with plastic sheeting but this year it got so cold that it had to stay covered for nearly two weeks straight. It also started heading and due to the extreme weather it looks like many of the heads partially froze because when I uncovered them today they had some dark areas mottled throughout the head. It looked just like when they freeze and thaw. The heads are not totally ruined right now and the plants still look real good except for some frost bitten leaves that were too near the plastic.
My question is, should I go ahead and cut off the main head that is damaged? Or should I let it grow? The plants are not fully grown yet so I don't know which would be best. This is a problem I have never had to deal with down here and was hoping someone had some experience with this and could give me some advice. Thanks Bill
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