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Old March 16, 2010   #25
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Austin, Texas
Posts: 147

I planted Tempest, Inchelium Red, Italian Purple, Metechi, a few other varieties I can't recall, and Elephant garlic. I originally planted just 2 elephant garlics but then saw some starting to sprout in the HEB produce section- and they were cheaper than the official planting garlic!

I don't have pictures as I am out of town, but they look about the same as Suze's. I just had to move them to the hops bed so we could improve the crap clay soil they were in, but they seemed to have taken the transfer fine.

This is my first year growing garlic. I have no idea when to harvest them aside waiting for the leaves to fall over. (And I think Elephant Garlic is a leek, right?)
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