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Old April 14, 2010   #9
Dewayne mater
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: DFW, Texas
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Windjammer: I encourage you to give Ray's earthtainers a shot! Yes, the instructions are quite detailed and seem very complex at first. But this year, having no other choice due to foundation work at my house, I built earth tainers. I'm one of the least handy guys you'll ever meet and was a bit intimidated by the 20 page instruction manual. I found out it was my friend! Clear detailed instructions, great photos of most steps in the process and time made this a doable project even for me. In fact, by the 3rd one, I was constructing better and way faster than before, as the learning curve on tainer 1 is a steep. If you have a jig saw and drill (or can borrow one) you can do it. 3 tainers took me a full work day Saturday and Sunday, but by the third one, the total construction time was about 1/2 of the first one.

So far, the plants in tainers are rocking along, very healthy, flowering well and a few even have fruit set already. (early for DFW from my experiences) Go for it! The wost thing that can happen is it costs you some time and money, and for that, you end up with more maters than before. (a good trade off to me). Good luck.
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