Thread: Volunteers
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Old May 19, 2010   #6
b54red's Avatar
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I have always let a few grow and until last year most were a disappointment. Most of the time they turned out to be cherries or small poor tasting tomatoes that get pulled up immediately. This year I have let about a half dozen keep growing because of their plant vigor, while pulling the weaker looking ones or ones in inconvenient locations.
After 30 + years of doing this I finally got one that was what I was hoping for. Last year I had one that produced a medium to large red beefsteak that was the most disease tolerant tomato in the garden and that included a lot of highly touted hybrids. It was also a very good tasting tomato so I saved the seed from it and it is now in the garden with good fruit set on it. So far it seems to be growing true and if it is I will save the seed again.
If you have the room you might as well try a few; you never know when you will have a good surprise from one.
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