Thread: Volunteers
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Old May 20, 2010   #10
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Danbury, CT
Posts: 468

I pull most volunteers. In years past, I have left them and they just never catch up to the ones started early indoors and consequently, don't produce much, if any, fruit. So my intention is to pull volunteer tomatoes as a general rule. I agree they are but a weed. However, just for fun, last year I saved a couple of sprite volunteers. I knew what they were because of where they came up. I knew I would get some harvest out of them as it's not a late maturing variety. With that said, did it produce as much as the sprite plant I started early indoors? No, not even close. So for me, there's no point allocating what precious little space I have to something that A) I might not know what it is and B) probably won't produce much before frost. With years of growing ahead of me, I reserve the right to change my mind back and forth again as it suits me!

My $0.02. What do you feel like doing? Feeling adventurous? If so, keep them.

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