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Old June 20, 2010   #12
Jeannine Anne
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Farmette, your Blue Magic is a a very good squash, it is a scaled down version of a Blue Hubbard,it is especially useful in small gardens as it's growth is quite compact so won't take over , it will only grow to about 5/6 lbs but ther flesh is sweet and firm ad it will get sweeter in storage, so don't be in a hurry to eat it, 4 months or so and it will be at it's best for sweetness, but it will store longer.I am growing this one again..fairly regular one for me.

Jarradale is not a poor squash, but compared to the other Aussie blues it isn't as flavourful, however it will do well in soups etc, and is better than most pumpkins for that, so don't worry. I rate my squash and pumpkins by the taste and texture they have when just steamed or baked and without extra flavourings, if they stand alone then I rate them high.Some will be more than fine when they have additional extras, roasted round a cut of meat eg will do it and Jarradale will fit in there too. It is a good looking squash too about 6lb

Your Galeuse d'Eysines is a stunning squash to look at ,warts and all, squat and wide and an impressive 15 lb or so, will be quite acceptable for table use if you add butter and saute or roast it, or make it into soups ,as a stand alone it is watery.

X Jeannine
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