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Old July 28, 2010   #6
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Central MN, USDA Zone 3
Posts: 301

RE: Bonny Best / John Baer

I believe that Chalks was reselected to get John Baer and Bonny Best by different people; I've grown all three side by each, and found JB and BB to be more uniform and similar to each other, while C-E-J was more least from the sources I tried. So, yes, there may be differences...but not many of us could discern them. I know I couldn't have if I didn't have them labelled!

A Canadian reselected Bonny Best to get "Pollock" a few years ago, and I find that variety to be even better. As well, I believe "Early Alberta" to be from that lineage as well. I'm sure there are more.

It isn't very hard to imagine Burpee listing a variety under more than one name if they believed it would result in more sales.
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