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Old August 11, 2010   #3
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Location: Elizabethtown, Kentucky 6a
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Originally Posted by BattleOfBennington View Post
Greetings -

First, thanks to Ami and so many others who have helped me make the transition to organic gardening.

I have been using products like Garden Tone, Actinovate (and sometimes with Iron), and MyChor based on suggestions and I am pleased with their outcome.

This year I am getting killed with blight, powdery mildew, etc - I am sure all the unusual humidity we have had is a major factor.

I have been trying to see what else i should add to my regimine. I have been reading the posts for days about compost tea, molassas, and so much more.

I am open to all of the advise of such wise folks on here. If you could give me what other products I need to add to the three listed above, with some background on it and sources, etc it would be helpful.

There is just so much to read through and process my head will need a few truck loads of duct tape to keep the brains in place.

Try Exel-lg; in the interim, finely crush an aspirin in a gallon of water & spray that on your plants every couple weeks. Spraying your plants with a bleach solution at a concentration of 8 ounces/gallon of water should knock down the foliage diseases, except the systemic ones.
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