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Old August 21, 2010   #51
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Originally Posted by Tania View Post
Mine are orange color, slightly larger than Sungold F1, firmer fruit, and more acidic taste - excellent flavor, but different from Sungold F1. All 6 plants produced orange fruits, with slight variation in fruit size, but all cherry-sized. The plants are not as big as F1, and do well in 5 gal containers.

My seeds were from Ami.

The 1st and 3rd pictures show Sungold F1 and Big Sungold Select (sliced).

Tania, I wrote a somewha longish post but it was at the time every AM when the server is down, so I lost it all, so I'll try to recreate most of what I wrote.

First, I'm glad that you got all orange fruited plants and especially since you had 6 of them. From what Brad Gates posted at his site he says about 75% of seeds will give orange ones. So right now it seems to be a matter of statistics as to how often a non-orange plant will show up.

I'm pretty sure Ami gets his seed from Manfred, who of course gets his seed from Reinhard and then Manfred does his own seed production. My seeds were directly from Reinhard and I'm pretty sure Brand's were as well since last I knew Reinhard was still working with some of Brad's crosses, and they're probably in touch from time to time.

I would have liked to save seeds from any non-oranges that show up to see what they would give, but aside from the fact that mine were also orange, I no longer have the room to put out lots of plants for a special situation to check out seed purity/stability in that way.

When the variety Dr. Carolyn became available from time to time there would be a red fruited or pink fruited plant but for many years now that instability has stopped and only ivory colored fruits have appeared, except of course for the appearance of the mutation 5 eyars ago that led to the variety Green Doctors.

I've read in the PNW thread that it isn't a good tomato year for you either, and same here. Still many plants with just blossoms and no way are they going to give fruits before first frost. In addition, the folks in the south who are doing the seed production for me are also having problems and I now know that for manyl of my new ones that I've been so excited about there either won't be any seeds at all or too few to list or offer to others.

Maybe it's getting close to the time when I should hang up my tomato hat b'c I simply can't continue to ask others to do what I once did for so many years myself when it came to my tomato growing.

Time will tell.
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