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Old August 26, 2010   #5
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Central MN, USDA Zone 3
Posts: 299

Craig, I grew BB or JB every year until I discovered Andy Pollock's reselection of BB...its a little better performer yet.

I also grew BB and JB next to 3 sources of Chalks EJ in 2004. Two of the Chalks were very similar to BB/JB, except more variable and seemed to radial crack quite badly. The third source was likely crossed with something as fruit size tended small and decidely egg-shaped.

As an aside, I'm growing out seed from one John Baer from 2006; it was clear-skinned/pink! I didn't truly believe it, but had too many other experiments to grow it out again until this year...and it has yeilded a whole row of Pink children. I knew about Geshwien's purple/pink BB...Now I guess there's a pink JB out and about too!

Actually, its nothing to get excited about: fruit size avg about the same, but appears more variable and less-well-behaved like Chalks'.
Anybody else seen a purple from this family?
a day without fresh homegrown tomatoes is like... ...sigh
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