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Old August 29, 2010   #1
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Default Flea Market Sales?

We only have two farmers markets and they are small and set up in parking lots, maybe ten booths in each one on a peak day.

We do have a flea market though that is pretty large with good traffic. I could probably count the number of varieties of seedlings sold at all three venues on one hand.

Mainly this post is related to flea markets but also wanted to ask if one were to carry only 5 - 10 varieties what would you sell.

So far my ideals of what to sell would be:

Brandywine Sudduth
Kellogg's Breakfast
Amish Paste
Mortgage Lifter
Tiffin Mennonite
Cherokee Purple
Bonny Best
Black Cherry
Anything else you would add to the list as far as tomatoes.

Also I have never seen peppers offered so a few sweet peppers and a few hot pepper suggestions would help as I think they would be great sellers.

Latter in the season I thought about buying sweet corn, green beans, etc whole sale from a community of Mennonites that I know to add to the produce selection. I can buy it from them cheaper than I could grow it. Anyone else do this as well?

Still deciding on if I should try my hand selling the seedlings but have thought about selling the produce for a few years.

Last edited by Stepheninky; August 30, 2010 at 12:35 AM. Reason: adding suggestions to post
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