Thread: Biochar?
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Old September 7, 2010   #11
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: South Ontario
Posts: 3

High quality BioChar is nearly pure carbon. Ash is the residue of the inert contents of the biomass after the carbon has been combusted. That’s why they’re different. The beauty of BioChar is that it’s stable carbon that hosts microbials and water very well. It’s an enhancement, and benefits all soils...but more-so for poor soil with low humus (carbon), poor moisture retention, or low porosity.

But pure biochar must first be “charged” or loaded with moisture and nutrients prior to introduction to the soil. If you put it in “bare” it will initially adsorb from your target soil! Be sure you mix it with some compost first to “load” it up.

Once there, it will stay there, and your plants will grab the nutrients produced by the microbes, and use the water stored in it year after year.

And you have decreased atmospheric carbon a little as well!
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