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Old October 17, 2010   #45
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Toledo, OH
Posts: 1,821

Very late in the growing season here in my zone. Still have 7 tomatoes on Pink Girl, quite a few Black Cherries that haven't started ripening up yet, and a couple others.

There is one tomato left on the 'Not Emma Pink'. I really messed up with seed saving from the first tomato. Too much going on at the time and didn't clean them once they were ready so threw them out. Now I need more seeds. I'd like to grow out the next generation to see how close it tastes to the F1 from last year. This year it was bland, but I've been wondering if it's due to the spot it had in the garden. It was close to Toedebusche Pink and Brandywine Sudduth and neither of those had much flavor either. Had to be a problem with the growing conditions.

Also have a couple of peppers growing, although they and the eggplant haven't liked the cooling temps. Ended up taking off my last good Rossa Bianca. It was still small but a critter took a huge bite or two out of the other RB on that plant right next to the one I picked so knew he'd be back to ruin the good one.

Wasn't planning on growing the garlic again, but now thinking I'll plant a few cloves to keep it going. I just haven't been using it. I've given a couple heads away to a lady at work who cooks with it a little, but no one in the family uses it. Although this winter I will be getting started in making chili. I know what my taste are so should be easy finding a recipe I'll like. Garlic will be used to some extent. I also watched Jacque Pepin make potato pancakes including using a couple cloves of garlic, and I think I still remember most of the recipe, but not all of it. I remember the two potatoes, two eggs, two cloves of garlic, and....will have to figure out the rest. Think he said flour can be used. Would think there'd be milk involved but don't recall him using any. All of it went into a food processor. Looked good anyway.

Don't know what the future holds for me between now and next spring, but guessing I'll still be here in T-town, and planning another garden. Just not sure where I'll be able to start seeds. It's been a disaster in my apartment the past couple of years, so may end up with hybrids and growing things I can direct seed or that only need a week or two of indoor growing before transplanting. Melons, squash, etc..

Always a little depressing cleaning up the garden after just transplanting things into it a few months prior, but it's part of the cycle of life. And in a couple of months I'll be buying seeds not knowing where I'll be able to start them, eager to start all over again!

Hope you all had great growing seasons. Mine was very warm which helped some things and seemed to affect pollination of others. But overall it was a decent year. Will need to improve the soil and use better fertilization techniques. Also plan on using more growbags but with better watering habits. Maybe a drip hose would work best.

No frost in sight yet. Might get a few more ripe tomatoes before old man winter sends us a message he's on the way.

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