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Old January 18, 2011   #1
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Sacramento, California
Posts: 267
Default What are you doing differently this year...

What are you doing differently this year?

Here is what Im going to do differently this year:
  • Use cages - Stakes were a disaster for me. I had a really hard time keeping the plants upright
  • No Plum tomatoes - Especially the long/skinny kind. I like the taste but these had the worst BER for me. Not worth it.
  • Space the plants out more. I had them too close. This didnt result in any disease but I couldnt get between some plants and missed alot of tomatoes because I couldn't reach them.
  • Use an irrigation system. This will allow me to have more consistent watering and will allow me to go out of town easier.
  • Grow less kinds of vegetables - Cucumbers, eggplants, green beans and other vegetables didnt do well for me (mostly in containers). Im going to focus on tomatoes and herbs with just a few summer squashes
  • Dont freak out about early season BER - Most of my plants did fine as the season went along. My morale was pretty badly effected last year early in the season.
  • Keep a close eye out for Tomato Horn Worms - They destroyed alot of tomato plants before I even knew such a creature existed. I hate those evil things.
  • Use some hay as mulch - This should help evaporation in our hot summer climate. Especially in containers.
  • No "Early" varieties - These had ZERO taste when I grew them. Not worth the effort.
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