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Old January 29, 2011   #18
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Indiana
Posts: 229

I appreciate all the input, my hardware store has 3 packages that I'm going to go pick-up (after this cup of tea) and I'll ask them if they will re-stock anytime soon so I'll see about getting more. They are 3 to a packages so I'll have 9 for sure and may buy more if they keep stocking them. I'm going to try and get at least 4 weeks out of them and I only have to decide how optimistic I am about how warm I think NE IN will be by our mid-May frost free date. I'm leaning on putting out tomatoes in late April and hoping to at least make up for the slow sickly look some of my plants have when it hasn't dropped cold enough to kill them but isn't warm enough to make them happy. I'm imaging taking them off in the first week of June having a measurable head start.
Zone 5b, NE Indiana
“Men should stop fighting among themselves and start fighting insects”
Luther Burbank
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