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Old February 12, 2011   #35
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Woodville, Texas
Posts: 520

I looked at some of the photos on the link. I see what y'all are doing - and it seems to be holding the plants up okay. It's a method of tying-up the plants, but, technically speaking, it's not actually Florida Weave. As the term implies, the twine is actually "woven" through the branches to support the main stem. Y'all appear to be simply running the twine along the outside of the plant - an "adaptation" of FL for indeterminates.

Terminology aside, it does indeed appear in the photos I saw to be holding the fruit off the ground - and that's all that's required from any support system..

What interested me was the guy running galvanized wire! Looks practical - except for clean-up. I guess he just coils it up and reuses it.


PS - I've had a terrible time protecting my transplants from these two weeks of very unusual cold ( we normally plant as early as 3/1). My Mickey Mouse greenhouse wouldn't handle it so I brought them all in the house - layed plastic down to protect the carpet from water, rigged a bunch of flourescent fixtures on wires strung from saw horses, after shoving all the furniture into a corner. Just as I was taking them out after the first episode, the weather man said another one was coming! Tomorrow is supposed to be the end of it - I sure hope so, 'cause after 42 years of marriage, for the first time my wife is talking divorce! LOL

Last edited by JackE; February 12, 2011 at 07:55 PM.
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