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Old February 13, 2011   #41
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: field of dreams
Posts: 97

Jack e -

First, geez, although I have alot of plants - you make me sound like a conglomerate! I'm not.. just a little ol' organic farmer who loves tomato and other good veggies.

Alrighty, without writing a dissertion - I have a very diversified approach. I wholesale (various enterprises - restaurants, other farm stands), farmstand, CSA, etc...

Everyone deserves access to good food, regardless of income - just because you're poor doesn't mean you shouldn't have beefsteaks, asparagus, lobster or what all else. As a person who works for a church, I guess I'm kinda surprised you'd say that - sorry.

Food and heirlooms play an important role in our history period. People are very attached to this food pattern, "my grandma used this veggie" - food history/gastronomy is vital to our culture, families, and folks in general. Alot of people have forgotten all that because they everything comes from a concrete store. Anyway, off my soap box now.

If you want to sell to lower income folks check out the programs with EBT, WIC etc. If you are interested in doing that, let me know and I'll dig up the links.

The weave is a figure eight around the posts that's it - pretty simple.

Packing, we've tried bunches of things, cardboard boxes - but you can get low quantity of Buckhorn crates - plastic etc. Try that.

Listen, yes I have experience, but I'm by no means an expert and I hope to remain flexible and teachable. I don't want to re-invent the wheel. I also hope to share what I know. There are tons of things I'm just starting to learn like ie crossing tomatoes.

Bama Mater - my spacing varies, I try different things but usually I space plants (depending variety) between 2 and 3 feet apart (sometimes 4) - with posts every two plants. It varies, I like to see how they do differently and tinker with spacing.

Some of my bigger varieties, I know I need to give them 3-4 feet (Neves azorean red, KBX), the smaller ones will get 2 (ie like jaunne flamme, silvery fir tree)

We have alot of vineyrads where we are - I like to think I have a tomato vineyard LOL.
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