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Old March 13, 2011   #21
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Cut-N-Shoot, TX
Posts: 73

Originally Posted by rwsacto View Post
For 18 gallon SWC's I use 5 short pieces (4-6 inches each) of 3 inch PVC drain pipe to support the aeration bench. Two pipes are used as wicking chambers. Take a length of drain sleeve, close one end with a zip tie and zip tie the open end to the top of the pipe to form the wicking chamber. Zip tie the pipes to the aeartion bench. Overfill the sleeve with potting mix, wet it and form a cupcake top. Cover the cupcake top and aeration bench (and sides) with high quality landscape fabric. Insert the fill tube, fill the SWC with a course media such as pine bark and peat, plant and enjoy.

Hope this helps,
Thanks Rick,
Since I only have 5 Yoplait containers, and 10 totes, I will try your method with at least one. Well, in a fashion - we don't have the sleeve material for the drain pipe stuff.

So far, DH has cut the perf pipe stuff to fit horizontally, with 2 sections the length of the tote, and is going to cut a short piece to fit either side of the wicking 'chamber', and support the water table. The water table will be the center of the lids, with a 4" hole cut with a hole saw (he finally found the drill that fits the arbor of the holesaw he got), and lots and lots of holes drilled. Then the double layer of landscape fabric. Our front porch looks like an any-tainer factory with piles, stacks, and totes full of parts.

I think the only thing left to buy is the planting medium, dolomite, and fertilizer. Any suggestions for fertilizers for the strips, if we're unable to find tomato tone locally? Or any of you in the Houston area that know where I can buy it without ordering it online?

Thanx for the ideas, assistance, and moral support.
And Raybo, I promise I won't call it an Earth-tainer. After the adaptations my DH has made, it won't bear much resemblence to your excellent design... but I'm sure it'll work. And he's already talking about ways to tweak the design when we re-assemble next spring.
Bobbie in Cut-N-Shoot, TX
Zone 8b
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