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Old March 13, 2011   #27
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Cut-N-Shoot, TX
Posts: 73

Originally Posted by rnewste View Post

You are braver than I - - I would NEVER use box-cutters when constructing an EarthTainer!

I do use heavy duty kitchen shears that cut through chicken bones, to do trimming on the container material, etc. I've never bled on an EarthTainer yet.

Well, you see, I started out trimming with a pair of those paramedic super-shears, that are suppose to cut through a penny and they just weren't doing the job So, my trusty box cutter came out, and I was peacefully whittling off the errant edges, when my DH stopped me and insisted that I NEVER cut towards myself... I'd made it through 4 and, I suppose was feeling like a "pro" - thinking I now knew exactly how much needed to be trimmed off all the way round the edges I was working on... when - Pop.... it cut through the corner and skittered across the other edge to where I KNEW my other hand was. It just kinda half-peeled the top of one knuckle. It could have been much worse. And the box cutter is officially retired.

The best news is that I didn't get any blood on the tomato plants, and as a paramedic, I remembered lesson #1 from EMT school - "if it looks bad, cover it up.... if you think it's going to look bad and it's on YOU.... don't look, just control bleeding and make sure you are sitting down when you do look..." So I walked calmly next door where my DH and in-laws were, and let Mom look....

So the lesson is... "kids, this can be dangerous - never try this at home!"
The errant edges will get hit with a sander, maybe - and maybe, they'll just get buried

But the tomatoes will be going in the BobbiTainers next weekend, come heck or high water, and I don't think another week in the 16oz solo cups will hurt them a bit.
Bobbie in Cut-N-Shoot, TX
Zone 8b
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