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Old March 23, 2011   #56
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: field of dreams
Posts: 97

Let me be the voice of reason.

You only need to sell to one customer to have them make a complaint against you. It's happened before and the fines are prohibitive to ever trying that again.

In every state, if you are selling seedlings and collecting money - they pretty much consider you should be collecting state tax etc.

Suffice it to say, from some of the answers on here - that is not happening.

You only need to get busted once, and it will happen eventually, if you sell enough plants long enough.

I think Mischka sells seedlings, maybe he never had a complaint yet but if you have read other boards for market growers (I'm thinking of gardenweb) it's strongly cautioned against selling without a license. There must be about a dozen links there discussing this very issue.

As someone who has a license and has seen others without a license get fined - I would strongly advise against it. Just get the license - it's not a big deal.

I only sell for 2 weekends, but still have the license because the fines would kill me.

That's my 2 cents. Best of luck to you whatever you decide to do.

Tam91, the info is in the links, but I'd recommend you call the direct line and ask for more precise info and see what they say.
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