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Old April 27, 2011   #14
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I start fresh seed about the 1st of July for my winter plants. These will be in the greenhouse for just over 6 months from July to January.

Here are a couple of important tips you will need to know. Tomatoes can easily handle temps up to 120 degrees..... but with a huge caveat that they do NOT set fruit above about 92 degrees for most varieties.

Managing the temperature for seedlings can be incredibly important. A seedling will grow rapidly unless it gets too cold at which point it will almost stop growing. Too cold means about 45 degrees. But for seedlings, you can totally reverse the cold temperature effects by letting the temp go up to 120 degrees the next day.

The temperature should not get above 92 degrees for fruit bearing plants because of the pollination problems. So to give some general guidance to your temperature quest, tomatoes in a greenhouse should target temps between 45 and 90 with best growth and production somewhere around 70 degrees. From my experience, I would say that you should keep it above 60 degrees if you are trying to mature fruit.

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