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Old May 20, 2011   #16
CarolynPhillips's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Nauvoo, Alabama
Posts: 184

Rather my plants are in grow beds or in pots, I give them the same fertilizer mixture
If they are in 4 gallon pots, I put 1/4 cup of dolomite lime in each pot.
If they are in 25 gallon and or in the grow bed to grow a full size plant with little pruning then I put 2 cups of dolomite lime for each plant or 25 gal pot.
I use the micro-nutrients sold at
The fertilizer mixture contains 20 pounds of 13-13-13, 3 pounds of epsom salt, and 8 oz of the micro nutrients. The gives instructions for the mixture. I give them a tablespoon of calcium nitrate every 10 days or if I know I will use my entire fertilizer mixture, I will mix 3 to 4 pounds of the calcium nitrate in the mixture. The calcium nitrate dissolves easily and if it is not used quickly or kept very dry when added to the fert. mix, it makes the fert wet and nasty.
I fertilize the 4 gallon potted plants once a week ---estimated 1 tbs per week.
I give the larger plants 3 to 4 tablespoons per week. (large 5 to 6 foot plants with around 15 vines on the plants.
I just sprinkle it around the plants.

The grow bed soil consist of Peat Moss, Vermiculite, existing soil and commercial compost . Sometimes a little homemade compost is added.

This year, I grew some tomato plants in 4 gallon pots and set them 2 inches into the grow bed soil. (my idea of semi rotation) And the tomato plant roots always find their way out the bottom of the pot and take root to the ground anyway====so----this gives them a place to go to find more nutrients and a place for excess water to flow. I do occasionally put my calcium nitrate around the outside of the pots and water it in. Next spring the plants will be set directly into the grow bed.

I did not heat the greenhouse this year. I set the plants out April 1st. ish.
We never got a hard freeze after that. Had a few frosty nights and that was it.
I did have a diesel turbo heater standing by if I needed it.....I don't like using the diesel turbo heaters. After a while they start putting out too much ethylene fumes and that will harm the plants and stunt their growth and cause distorted growth. (been there, done that) If I use a turbo heater, I like for the heater to be fairly new. Cleaning the heaters never helped.

The plants growing in the 4 gallon pots have 2 to 3 vines on each plant. Some have 5(experimental)
Happy Gardening

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