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Old May 26, 2011   #68
BigBrownDogHouse's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Northern Illinois ZONE 5a...wait now 5b
Posts: 906

We had spearmint growing in our backyard that I grew up at in Chicago. It originally grew in the backyard but then my folks dug out a bush and moved it to the side of the house. Some spearmint went along for the ride. That happened almost 50 years ago.

We lived on a corner so once the spearmint sprouted on the side of the house, passer-bys would pick it. It was quite an attraction.

Anyway my folks moved from that home back in the mid 90's. On the day they were moving, I dug up a couple roots....not much, just a few.

Planted it to the side of my house up here and still have it growing. For years it seemed I had it cornered pretty well but that's changing.

It certainly likes to creep. I like a bit in the lawn over there. Makes it smell like Wrigley's Spearmint when you mow. However, it continues to creep into my 4 o'clock garden and I struggle with keeping it out of there. Those roots just go nuts.

Anywho! I guess I was just trying to say that I still have Spearmint from a plant that was spreading itself over 50 years ago! Plus, the story from my older siblings is that it was there when the family moved into that house making it older than that. Well before my time.
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