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Old June 4, 2011   #20
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Alabama
Posts: 185

Wendy, There is nothing wrong with 2.5 to 4 LBS That's real good. I know people that plant potatoes for years that only get 1.5 to 2.5 and they are happy with that. I don't go by pounds per plant. I figure mine per feet of row. I plant my seed potatoes 10" apart so I would say I get about 240 plants per 200 feet of row. So my average is only about 2.5 LB on a average year and 3.3 LBS on a good year. So 4 LBS is very good. How many feet of row do you plant? How close to you plant them. I have spaced mine out to 18 inches but only got about 400 LBS that year. I also tried 6 inches and all the potatoes where small Tennis ball size and under. I now just stick with 10 to 12 inches I get a good mix of sizes that way.
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