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Old June 16, 2011   #9
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 2,591

Invaders from another planet?

Hmongs are the "boat people" from Vietnam. In your area, they settled mostly the fishermen. In my area they are mostly farmers. I don't want to sound racist, but my experiences dealing with many of them have not always been pleasant. Often they don't follow the rules of the market that all the rest of us have to be careful about.


The cat grass has an interesting evolution for me. I started this spring growing "wheatgrass" flats for juicing. It's something for the health food/ juice bar crowd. It's supposed to be a energy drink and detoxer. But you need a good quality juicer to use it.

Anyway, I had flats sitting on the shelves and some people thought it was "cat grass". But they only wanted a small chunk at a time not a whole flat. Since it has a short shelf life and it wasn't selling for juicing, I obliged the cat lovers and cut up some of the flats and sold it by the piece. Now I'm seeding it in 18s and sell it for $1 pot. Some people will buy a pot just about every week. The cats will eat it, just play with it and generally tear it up and destroy it. But it keeps them away from your house plants. All it is is wheat seeded very heavily and looks like a small patch of lawn.


Jack, I forgot to mention earlier about the melons.

It may not be like this around you, but here where most melons are shipped in, we are able to sell plenty of watermelons. We don't compete with WM on price but on flavor. Like tomatoes, the shipped in melons are picked a bit early so don't have the flavor of a local melon picked "just right". We get 25 - 30 cents / lb for our icebox type melons that weigh between 7 - 30 lbs. We sell more too at the markets that let us sample them.

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