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Old July 2, 2011   #1
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Default Roma II bush beans turned into poles.

I am rather unhappy that the seeds I planted as Roma II bush beans are all growing very long tendrils, obviously looking for support. They are planted in a 12 foot row in a raised bed, and were intended to be a lower tier, fronting a row of tomato plants. I will find some kind of support for them, but it won't be terribly high, because I don't want them cutting off morning sun from the next row of tomatoes. I'm also disgusted because I won't have the earlier short bean harvest I was counting on.

I don't remember which catalog I purchased these from, I hope I still have the empty envelope in my discards box, because I will notify the seller if I can. What bugs me, is that now I don't even know if these are a bad cross, not worth growing, or if they are mislabeled pole beans! Anyone else run into this this year?

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