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Old July 31, 2011   #136
Posts: n/a

I grew Mr. Snow, Emerald Giant, and Beryl Beauty this year from the project as well as New Big Dwarf. All four grew with enthusiasm until they were about 36" tall with blooms. Then the heat of late May, early June arrived along with some septoria. The Septoria caused the lower leaves to drop. The heat (105 degrees today, 107 forecast for tomorrow) has attempted to kill all four dwarf plants. While the main stems and branches have succumbed, they have also produced new growth from the root balls or low on the old main stems. The new growth is producing blooms, but I think it is a wasted effort until the weather cools a little. If the new growth can survive until cooler weather, I expect to again have healthy plants blooming and producing fruit.

I didn't get too sample any tomatoes from the spring plantings, but hope for better from the fall crop.

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