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Old August 6, 2011   #68
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Originally Posted by BigBrownDogHouse View Post
Well, my baby rabbits have moved on. Once they were big enough to move out of the garden I sprayed heavily with that LIQUID FENCE. It helped not raining every day so the stink could stick around a bit.
Also, my one Lab that is really a chicken....she wears a Thunder Jacket to help her feel secure, all of a sudden started chasing them out of the yard. Guess she felt pretty confident going after baby rabbits.

Now if she can just do that with the chipmunks and squirrels, we will be okay.

In all honesty, looks like everything I have sprayed and sprinkled seems to be working. Not a lot of critters right now.
I am leaving town for a few days and hope everything stays that way.

Nice finding the first fruits of summer without any bite marks.
Good lab.

One of my old dogs hated squirrels and chipmunks. He wanted to kill them all.

I guess I'm not that tender hearted to vermin. If they leave my stuff alone they live. If they destroy my garden they go to sleep permanently.

My uncle used to tell about one woman who moved here and the first two years she told how she always planted extra for "her friends the animals". After a few years of her friends eating everything in her garden she started feeding them lead.

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