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Old August 24, 2011   #14
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Location: Anmore, BC, Canada
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How did I miss this thread? I love winter squashes

I grow the following this year:

- Lady Godiva (pepo) - lots of fruit, some are large and close to maturity. I am really looking forward to this one, I hope the seeds are very tasty!
- Mayoral Blue (maxima, from Jeannine) - finally setting fruit, I got 3 so far and counting. The huge vigorous vines are taking over my container garden, growing a foot every day. Very impressive, but it will not be good for spaced-challenged gardeners.
- Yokohama (moschata) - only male flowers at the moment; probably will not make it this year. I grew it successfully in 2005 which was not a great year either. Not sure what is wrong this year.
- Abobora Menina Rajada Seca (moschata) - only male flowers at the moment; probably will not make it this year. This would be the second crop failure for this one since 2006. Darn.
- Rouge Vif D'Etamples (maxima) - about 8 fruits, some are gigantic. No more blooms, I think the plants are ready to put all the energy to maturing what is on the vine.
- Chicago Warted Hubbard (maxima) - no show, out of 55 seeds, purchased from Baker Creek in 2007. I know they are not fresh seed, but it was still disappointing to have 0% germination out of so many. As a reference point, my Buttercup seeds purchased in 2005 did reasonably ok (43% germination).
- Buttercup (maxima) is going crazy in the greenhouse, taking over everything and trying to escape through the vents in the roof. Still setting new fruits, and have 3 fruits close to maturity, and a dozen or so in between.

Tatiana's TOMATObase
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