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Old September 30, 2011   #59
austinnhanasmom's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Z5, CO near Denver
Posts: 225

I grow as many plants as can fit/cram 3' apart in my small garden. This has been between 45 and 65 plants.

I used the CRW cages too and liked them as well, except I had two issues:

I used too small of mesh size and had to cut holes to access the fruit. Resulting sharp edges from cut wire were a nightmare on the skin!

My yard is small (no shed) and no way was DH allowing me to store those in "his" garage. So they blew everywhere (45 cages) in our crazy wind and rusted badly. I'm not sure the rust made them less strong, they just looked bad.

So, the FW is working better for me, but I do miss the CRW cages at times.

I also have the unruliness with the indeterminates. I have to remove branches about mid-season and it's disheartening. I apologize in advance to the plants, but I know they detest it because the regrowth is nuts. This surge in growth must be detrimental to the fruit production. Right now, the jungle has regenerated! I don't have the heart to prune the few plants that are still thriving, so I get quite the workout maneuvering under and around the plants!

I also have one side of one row that rarely gets picked, since it's difficult to access, plus my garter snakes live on that side and I prefer to never see them!!
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