Thread: fish fertilizer
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Old October 11, 2011   #12
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: SF bay area... north bay
Posts: 242

Originally Posted by Sun City Linda View Post
CBLouie- I have EBs also. There is not much support on the EB forum for adding compost as most claim it turns the growing medium to mud and messes with the wicking action. Also, since EBs dont use dirt but sterile growing medium, I dont understand how the fish head nutrients get broken down to become available to the growing plant. Please continue to share your results. Linda
I pretty much disregarded the instructions I found online for Earthboxes. I used Fox Farm potting soil, I think it was Happy Frog, along with a few shovefuls of home prepared compost so there would be worms, the two salmon heads and some Scotts tomato fertilizer. Time release even though Earthbox says not to.

Too poor/lazy to follow instructions and track down dolomite lime and whatnot.

The sweet 100 is definitely the healthiest tomato plant in my yard, with the best production, but I noticed the pepper didnt do as well as the ones I planted in 5 gallon buckets. I put it a little too close to the southern fence so now it only gets sun in the mornings/late afternoon but is still throwing off more tomatoes than any of my remaining plants. I will take some photos tomorrow when its light.

My EB with the sungold and black prince didnt do as well as the one with the fish heads but that was another one where I just kind of winged it. Didnt have access to the fish heads when I those.

Perhaps next year I will actually follow the instructions with one and fish heads in another and see which way truly is better, but I definitely wont complain about what the plant has given me.
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