Thread: Kumato tomatoes
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Old October 27, 2011   #5
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Originally Posted by Suze View Post
Kurt, welcome to the forum.

I have only tasted Kumato tomatoes purchased from the store - and that was at least a couple of years ago! While it was better than many tomatoes one would normally have access to when shopping, it can't hold a candle to Campari or Nature Sweets (both also F1 hybrids that one can occasionally find in grocery stores) for taste. My opinion/impression is that the main attraction at the peak of Kumato popularity (at least here in the States) was that it tasted a little better than many store-bought tomatoes + the unusual appearance because it is a dark. Here in Texas at least, any possible popularity Kumato once had has come and gone. Haven't seen it when shopping in any grocery stores or even any "niche/foodie" stores like Central Mkt or Whole Foods, etc. for quite a while now.

It does sound like the availability/marketing curve for Kumato is a bit different in Fla at this time, though.

To be honest, there are several other small-med dark tomatoes you could grow that are so much better tasting than Kumato.

Just off the top of my head - Dice's Mystery Black would be one.

Kumato has been discussed here before more than a few times, and it has another name/aka. When I think of what that other name for it is, I'll come back and edit this post to add it. :-) Also note that because it might be an F1 hybrid, any saved seeds grown out from store fruits may not be entirely stable.

Edit/add - the aka is Rosso Bruno (I have also heard it referred to as Bruno Rosso), and I would do a search here on Kumato, because you'll find several posts about it. There was a little "history creation" for marketing purposes, if you catch my drift. Stuff about turtles and the Galapagos Islands and such. LOL. In any case, it is (supposedly) an F1 hybrid from/developed by Syngenta. Having said that, several have grown it out from the saved seeds, and frequently tend to get true-to type fruits. This tends to suggest that either Kumato is really not a hybrid, or that the segregation rate is low - I'm no tomato genetics expert, but this can occasionally happen, especially if the cross/parents are not too complex. There is a blog entry about Kumato on tomatoaddict's blog here -

Where can I purchase [or trade for] some Dice's Mystery Black?

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