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Old November 11, 2011   #88
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Woodville, Texas
Posts: 520

My problem is that I just like to hear myself talk! Lemme tellya how bad it is -- I am a retired painter and most of the guys I worked with spoke only spanish. So I studied for hours and hours every night for years and years to master their language - which I did. All that work just so I could hear myself talk!

My wife never really understood how much spanish I actually spoke until we retired and took our RV to Mexico. I had never been in Mexico before, and she was amazed that I could fluently talk to them about anything, regardless of the dialect of the region we were in. I was pretty surprised myself! Houston and Mexico, it seems are both the same, linguistically-speaking at least.

A cop stopped us once and when he saw my Texas license he asked in spanish if I knew his brother Aurelio who works at some restaurant in Dallas (hundreds of miles from where I lived). "Of course I know Aurelio", I said, "we're buddies - can't wait to tell him I ran into you"! My wife was impressed!!

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