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Old November 24, 2011   #18
Posts: n/a

I'm thinking about taking the ropes down between the T stakes and putting normal tomato cages between them. The T stakes would then support the cages. I don't prune my plants while they are growing, so they become really huge and bushy. I think it would be easier to keep them retained in cages than constantly training the branches into the next rope up the trellis. I haven't made a decision yet, but the beds will probably look very different next spring with the ropes replaced by cages. I'm also thinking of mounting a few six foot cages on top of other six foot cages. I'm curious how tomato plants growing twelve feet tall will look instead of draping over the top and growing back towards the ground. I think it would also be interesting to use a step ladder to harvest my tomatoes.


Last edited by tedln; November 24, 2011 at 06:59 PM.
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