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Old November 26, 2011   #1
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Woodville, Texas
Posts: 520
Default Nematode Control Failure

Two years of clean fallow and regular deep plowing failed to kill the RKN in an acre of East Texas sandy soil with low organic matter - despite the hottest, driest summer on record last year!

We planted greens there in Sept, while the soil temp was still warm enough for RKN activity, and I was absolutely devastated when nematodes attacked and stunted the mustard in some parts of the field. Mustard is not one of their favorite hosts, and they must have been VERY hungry! I shudder to think what they would do to other crops next year! I'm glad we found-out now instead of losing a whole field of tomatoes!

I've tried and failed with every nem control that came out for years and years, but I really thought this one would work, especially with that hot, dry summer. We turned the soil over every month with a 14" middle buster and allowed nothing to grow there. It was supposed to starve and dry them out - but it appears to have only strengthened their resolve and made them tougher!!

The eggs stay dormant in the soil - didn't know that until too late. Wadda bummer!

I guess RKN resistant crops, rotated with corn is our only option. Were considering resistant sweet potatoes and Dixie Lee crowder peas.

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