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Old December 1, 2011   #12
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Woodville, Texas
Posts: 520

I think you may be a wee bit too cynical, Worth. I do, however, understand the situation in Africa. We have missionaries there. I won't say any more or drop names on the open web because I could risk their lives, but use your imagination. "Kleptocracy is too kind".
The African countries were forced to adopt "western ways" during the imperial era of the 19th century. Where they made their mistake was in rejecting European culture when they gained independence in the 20th, and nostalgically opting to return to a pre-christian, primitive culture. They are paying the price for that mistake. South Africa, thanks largely to Nelson Mandela and Episcopal Bishop Tutu (I think that was his name), wisely chose to let bygones be bygones and continue building their economy along western lines - and they seem to be doing quite well, thank you.

The saddest of all is Zimbabwe, the former Rhodesia - once a thriving agrarian nation with per acre yields of basic commodities that rivalled America. Now it's an absolute and total disaster area!

But that's another issue...

Anytime private capital is used to develop new technologies, those investors are going to want a return on the money they put at risk. That's why we have had patent laws since the inception of our republic. We have bought GMO corn from Sygenta and I certainly had no problem promising not to save seed - seemed like a reasonble request to me, given the millions upon millions spent on R&D. The same with prescription medications. The firms deserve a period of exclusive rights to their invention.

It's sad for all of us to watch our beloved natural world fade into history - but we can't hope to feed what will be 10 billion people by 2050 unless we take advantage of every technological advance we can come-up with. And it doesn't help to demonize those researchers, corporations and investors who are working to find answers to problems like nematodes. In the final analysis, it's only the profit motive that really gets things done.


It's just a wild guess, but something tells me you might be somewhat familiar with George Bush Intercontinental Airport.

Last edited by JackE; December 1, 2011 at 06:21 PM.
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