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Old December 29, 2011   #21
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Join Date: Feb 2006
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We go through these lists just about every year. I have a long list of favorites but if I got down to just one variety to grow for myself for fresh eating it would be...

So I decided to do something different. Did I mention that I am a master data manipulator in one of my alternate personalities? or that I have records of every garden I've grown since 2002? I analyzed the plants I've grown over the last 10 years and here is what I found:

Eight of the last 10 years I've grown:
8 - Brandywine - this one would have to be at the top of my list
8 - Cherokee Chocolate
8 - Cherokee Purple - Have to agree with others, fantastico.
8 - Red Brandywine - not that it is a terrific tasting tomato, rather because I am always running out of seed
8 - Marianna's Peace - had to produce a ton of seed, not a great tomato, but consistently very good for me

Seven years I've grown these:
7 - Aunt Gertie's Gold
7 - Black From Tula
7 - Gregori's Altai

Six years I've grown these
6 - Andrew Rahart
6 - Aunt Ruby's German Green
6 - Box Car Willie
6 - Crnkovic Yugoslavian
6 - Dora
6 - Dr. Wyche
6 - Druzba
6 - Heidi
6 - Kosovo
6 - Lucky Cross
6 - Omar's Lebanese
6 - Rose
6 - Tastiheart

The caveats for the above should include that if I have only had seed for 2 or 3 years, then that variety will be under-represented. I have a few that should be in the above list and would be if I had gotten seed in 2002 like the rest of the above. KBX would be one example that would be 8 years if I'd had it in 2002. I should make one special mention of Burgundy Traveler. I have grown it 8 consecutive years, but I grow it for my MIL who wants it in her garden every year.

My personal favorite flavored tomato at this point would be Sunlucky, but it is still a breeding line and is segregating heavily. Give me another 3 years and I might be able to share with others. It combines the sweetness of Sungold with the intense tomato flavor of Brandywine. Just to give you an idea how heavily it is segregating, I had one good flavored plant out of about 80 grown this year. There were half a dozen more that were good flavored, as good or better than a really good Brandywine, but only one that made my eyes pop open and my legs get weak.

*Worth* In for a penny, in for a pound, I'm putting worth in gaol preemptively!

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