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Old January 15, 2012   #14
dustyrivergarden's Avatar
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Originally Posted by z_willus_d View Post
When you say, "hotter than a firecracker," I'm assuming you really mean heat as in the rocks will hold heat from the sun and cook the roots, as opposed to the other form of heat, too much Nitrogen. For the former, I do plan to lay down about 4" of mulch. I was going to go with medium bark, but I recalled how annoying it is dealing with all that bark at the end of the season, so I'll probably get some kind of micro bark that will decompose over the life of the season so I can just turn it back into the soil in the bed. I prefer that to having to remove the bark, upkeep the soil, replant, and then replace the bark every year.

when I was talking heat I was talking all the nitrogen alfalfa meal and pellets, wood bark from the mulch the sul-po-mag actually composting while in your new bed getting it hot. Heck I love the decomposed granite I just filled my truck with a load this weekend and plan to spread it on all my beds. Granite is great I think you could mix it 25 percent or more with out any problems.
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