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Old February 16, 2012   #52
Two-faced Drama Queen
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Default major aggrevation factor, but they do work


I'm in zone 6. My gardening neighbor friend loves wall o waters and swears by them. So last year I tried them for the heck of it. I thought it would be easier than making a cold frame or a low hoop house like kind of cover. Ummmm, WRONG. I find them really aggrevating and just a nuisance but they do work. I also might add that even though I read the directions about filling them, I ended up soaking myself the first time I tried to fill one.

Much mayhem ensued, including my husband pointing at me and laughing his arse off. I find these do not suit my personality at all. I am not patient and I like to do things simply, quickly, and easily. If you don't mind messing with them, they do work. And they work well. That's my opinion.
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