Thread: Tomato Profits
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Old February 19, 2012   #18
Boutique Tomatoes
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Originally Posted by Keger View Post

I hear what you are saying, my grandfather was from Italy, and where he was from in the country they raised everything themselves, so I basicall started learning how to grow stuff and get the knack for it since I was 3. One thing people tell me here, I basically am in Houston, is that they arent too concerned about the variety, they just want home grown taste and care. I guess thats one advantage being right next to a monster city. As for how it works, we'll see. But I do like your idea with the kids, that can be something that stays with them forever, it did with me. In my opinion learning a work ethic is about the most important learning there is.
Both of my parents were from rural farm families of 9 kids each, putting up their own food was just what you did there, so I grew up that way as well. In my 20's and early 30's I worked as a chef, and really got to appreciate the difference good ingredients made, so I started gardening as soon as I had a place to plant something.

Where I am the season is so short local heirloom tomatoes aren't available for long at all, so I'm trying a new approach this year putting out mostly midseason varieties under low tunnels a month earlier than normal. I figure if it works I may have tomatoes available several weeks before average, and get a jump ahead that way, plus I should have a longer season to work with. We'll see if it works.
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