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Old February 23, 2012   #10
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Originally Posted by RebelRidin View Post
OK, I'll finish...

"Don't let our ignorance trouble you. Pay no attention to the fact that we are now paying a company (with your tax dollars) that makes money distrubuting and selling mulch to haul away what could have been YOUR mulch so that they can finish composting it properly and sell it back to YOU for a profit. No folks, don't let that trouble you at all...

After all it will net us another $30,000 in federal funds that we won't even have to think about in order to piddle it away right along side your local tax dollars that we already piddle away so effectively."

i was thinking the same thing! you know in the overall scheme of things here in ct, this is nothing. i can't discuss anything because it's all politics but the morons that are in hartford (governor and legislature) have been ruining this state for decades. oh new ones come and go and they just get worse, it's a crisis here, we are bankrupt tho you don't hear it on the news yet. waste like this is an every day occurrence and the tax payers, whether state or federal, pick up the tab. no one is ever punished it's just no big deal, the government will pay for it.

it's funny tho, that picture of a front end loader digging though a steaming mulch pile, because today i was out in the sticks driving around and i saw all this smoke and then i saw a bobcat (small loader not the critter) digging in the pile! i knew what it was but initially i thought the steam was from a sap house boiling maple sap to make syrup there was so much steam!

I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the end of the night
He’s gotta be strong
And he’s gotta be fast
And he’s gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the morning light
He’s gotta be sure
And it’s gotta be soon
And he’s gotta be larger than life
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